June 2021 Update

3rd Edition of Age of Sigmar is here and I’m excited to explore the new rules and the different ways to build a list. As you can imagine… June was the calm before the storm.


Lots! There is going to be a lot happening over on AoS Coach. Thanks to your Patronage I’ll be taking a week off work this upcoming week to write scripts, record and edit videos. There is still a post-launch FAQ scheduled by Games Workshop so I’ll tackle what I can and the rest will be in preparation to respond once the FAQ is out.

After reading through the Core Rule and Generals Handbook many times I’ve gotten the feeling that this is a bit of a restart to the way you look at your list. It isn’t just about taking your AoS 2e list and forcing it into 3e after the points adjustments. List building structure has changed, incentives in battle have changed, and there are new considerations which may increase or decrease the value of units.


June was a bit of a mixed bag on the channel mostly because I had a tournament to attend (Sydney Slaughter) and we were in this weird transition spot between editions. 

AoS Coach dice went on sale along with an accessories kit that includes 3″ / 6″ / 9″ measuring tools + objective markers. They’ll be mailed in the next few weeks internationally so get in early.

If you’re looking for wearable merchandise I’ve also got a print on demand store which ships from the US and EU. 

I took the Gloomspite Gitz out at Sydney Slaughter and picked up Coolest Army, which was the trophy I was aiming to win. Battle report will happen… maybe this week in between all this AoS 3e content.


If you didn’t already know, AoS Coach has a Discord and it’s pretty freakin’ awesome: https://discord.gg/xVAks8q . We have over 2,200 members and as a Patreon I’ll grant you permission to our private room. If you aren’t already tagged Patronage… let me know.

The Patreon’s has been really helpful asset to talk through 3e and practice over on Tabletop Simulator. 


As you go through learning 3rd Edition, I’d love to hear from you on your experiences, questions, and challenges. Hearing from you (in the Discord there is a private room set up for Patrons) helps shape future videos.


As always, the YouTube video end credits and episode description thank you continue to be updated as supporters move. If you are wondering how the names are ordered: they are listed by Patreon tier highest to lowest then sorted by duration as a Patreon.